A place for Strong, Positive, Caring Wargamers.

This blog is for strong, positive, caring wargamers who like good looking models, crazy tactics and playing awesome games.

Monday, 28 February 2011

A New Project: Mechanised Cadians

As of late I've become bored of playing with Space Marines constantly (only took me 11 years or so). So with that I've decided to embark on a project that I've had on the back burner since 3rd edition, Mechanised Cadians.

I've always loved the Cadian models and especially the Chimera and with the introduction of the frankly impressive Valkyrie/Vendetta model I can even have the dropship from Aliens in my force.

As always I crib up an all-comers list that will be my goal and will mark my progress on this blog.

Mechanised Cadians 1500 points

Company Command Squad: 150
4x Meltagun, Krak Grenades
Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad: 170
3x Plasma Gun
Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad: 170
3x Plasma Gun
Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad: 155
3x Meltagun, 7x Shotgun
Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad: 155
3x Meltagun, 7x Shotgun
Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Flamer

Vendetta Gunship: 130

Vendetta Gunship: 130

Vendetta Gunship: 130

Hydra Flak Tank: 75
Hull Heavy Flamer

Hydra Flak Tank: 75
Hull Heavy Flamer

Manticore Rocket Launcher: 160
Hull Heavy Flamer

Some people are going to say that the list is "cookie cutter". That may be (although I did a hell of a lot of research both on and offline) and to be frank if it wasn't for the massive plethora of spare special weapons I've accrued from my many years of Space Marine collecting the list would probably look a lot different.

As it is I easily have enough spare parts for the sizable amount of special weapons in this list and from a hobby perspective this makes me happy. This is because with the exception of the Manticore every single unit in the army is going to need conversion work of some form or another, with the vast majority of the work not being just simple weapon swaps or the like due to how basic Cadian Guardsmen hold their weapons. It does seem a bit odd that I'll effectively have only 12 lasguns (and 5 laspistols) in the army but as well as the models I do quite like the backstory of the Cadians.

Being pretty much the first planetary system in line from the Eye of Terror, having multiple Veteran squads equipped with the finest weaponry and being backed up by cutting edge (for Imperial Guard anyway) artillery is pretty much Cadians all over. The only thing missing is the prevalence of psyker manifestation on Cadia but the Sanctioned Psyker models look rubbish and I haven't found a decent replacement for them yet.

So off I go to make up the Company Command Squad from hell...

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