A place for Strong, Positive, Caring Wargamers.

This blog is for strong, positive, caring wargamers who like good looking models, crazy tactics and playing awesome games.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Welcome to Café Turbo

Welcome to Café Turbo, a blog about wargames and other cool shit. Here gamers from various tastes can come to see a bunch of angry bastards put down some serious dogshit to make people smile. If you like Jane Austin, then this place isn't for you. If you like whining about people shitting on your day, then fuck off home. If you are a internet tough guy, go masturbate to your own reflection cause we don't give a fuck.

Now that you've read the disclaimer, here's a little about the authors:

Gringo: Born in London during the 80's, Gringo spent a lot of his time being chased by racist motherfuckers while being called Paki. Unfortunately he was of Indian descent. Brought up by a violent and alcoholic father, he quickly learnt that people are total cunts until proven otherwise. He began wargaming during the Gold Age of Games Workshop (1993-1997) where he was inspired by the artwork of Mark Gibbon's Asmodai that superhuman killing machines are fucking awesome. He plays Warmachine, Hordes, Warhammer 40'000 and Warhammer.

Raoh_devastation: I'm the quintessential nerd. White, skinny, middle class, listens to Death Metal the whole shebang. Unlike my colleagues harrowing childhood I was brought up quite comfortably in a caring environment and my pursuit of wargames and related activities were encouraged. My introduction to such things wasn't the norm however. When I was about 10 I was proper gay for Top Trumps, I had an extensive collection of the things and one fateful day I came across Citadel Combat cards. The pictures of figures on the cards fired my imagination even though at that time I had no conception of miniture wargaming. I then chanced upon a Dark Angels Tactical Squad in some random shop and the rest as they say is history. Over the years I've played most major miniture wargames, card games and RPGs and as of this moment I am the Privateer Pressganger for Northampton and am now getting back into Warhammer 40K after the clusterfuck that was 3rd/4th edition (it should be noted that during this time I still was playing WH40K with hilariously unbalanced armies i.e. Deathwing with as many Assault Cannons possible and Mechanised Tau that just floated around destroying targets with ease and contempt. I don't really rate any of the games I played during that time as 90% of them were not tactically challenging at all).