A place for Strong, Positive, Caring Wargamers.

This blog is for strong, positive, caring wargamers who like good looking models, crazy tactics and playing awesome games.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

500 point Doubles Tournament

The dust has now settled on the 500 point doubles tournament that I just took part in. As I've not played a game of 5th ed WH40K my intent was to just watch and have a few beers but a week ago I was called in as someone partner had dropped out. No better way to cut your teeth than with a mini tournament I suppose.

The limitations for the tournament were as follows:
  • both players use only a 500 point list. (together you make a 1000 point list)
  • You need at least 1 Troops choice
  • No 2+ save models
  • No vehicles with a total armour of 35 points or more
  • Only 1 HQ choice allowed.
A reasonable balanced set of restrictions I thought (but with one glaring omission that comes to light later).

Obviously my Deathwing were out of the picture for this one so someone kindly allowed me to use their Imperial Guard this was the list I came up with:

Company Command Squad: 145
4x Melta gun
Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad: 90
Grenade Launcher, Autocannon, Vox Caster

Veteran Squad: 90
Grenade Launcher, Autocannon, Vox Caster

Veteran Squad: 90
Grenade Launcher, Autocannon, Vox Caster

Veteran Squad: 85
Grenade Launcher, Autocannon

Unfortunately the person I borrowed the models off "doesn't do tanks" so I just had to the best with what I had available. To make things more interesting my partner had only just started up his army and so his selection was also quite limited:

Chaplain: 120
Jump Pack, Melta bombs

10 Tactical Marines: 175
Missile Launcher, Flamer
Sergeant - Melta bombs

9 Assault Marines: 202
Sergeant - Powerfist, Combat Shield

All in all not bad lists but far from optimised but hey this was a casual tournament so I wasn't going to fret over it too much.

First Game
The first opponents were a team of Orks and Tau, quite a nice combo of close combat and shooting. The main concern from my standpoint were the unit of Nob Bikers with Warboss and Painboy which would take a horrendous amount of firepower to whittle down. Unfortunately this was somewhat of a non-event as due to a cock up in what the deployment rules were we didn't actually get past turn 3 (the games were limited to 45 minutes). Some Guard got charged by some Boyz in a Trukk who then promptly got wiped out by the Heavy flamer on the Chimera, the Nob Bikers and the Assault Marines had a good scrum in the middle and the rest of the forces just took potshots at each other with relatively little effect. In the end a draw.

Second Game
Next up was a combined Space Marine force. To be honest I'm not sure what these guys were trying to achieve as their lists were all over the place. From what I remember they had: Librarian (Avenger + Gate of Infinity) with Tactical Squad, 5 Sternguard in Assault Cannon Razorback with Chaplain, Vindicator, AC/Las Predator, two Scout Squads and a Combat Squad of Marines. With three objectives on our side camped on by a Veteran Squad each they really didn't have the firepower to shift me off them. The Assault Squad rolled up one flank and took care of the Librarian and chums and the Vindicator (which they used far too cautiously) and my Chimera rolled up the other flank and dealt out flaming goodness. All the while my Veteran Squads just pummeled the rest of their forces into submission. By the end all they had left was the Sternguard a few Scouts and an immobilised Predator, two objectives to nil a win for us.

Third Game
It was the last game that the glaring omission in the tournament limitations came to the fore. We went up against this Daemon list:

Daemon Prince
Minimum Bloodletters
Pink Horrors with Changling

That's right 3 Monstrous Creatures with 4 wounds each! I knew we would be bang in trouble of those bum chums got to our lines and I was right. The game itself was quite interesting but it was effectively an exercise in damage limitation. In short we managed to take down the Bloodthirster, Daemon Prince and Bloodletters but by this point the damage had been done and our opponents had already accrued 6 kill points, as thier force only had 5 we called it at that. Two squads of Veterans and half a Tactical Squad was not going to bring Skarbrand and a unit of Horrors down in one turn.

Overall it was an enjoyable tournament and we came 3rd which is respectable considering I haven't played WH40K in about two years and have never played a game of 5th ed before. I can't blame the Daemon players for what they did. They found a way around the limitations of the tournament and played to their strengths, that's just being smart and they were really nice guys to boot. I have made a very strong suggestion that if anything like this is run again that there should be a wound limitation of 3 for any single model and that Special Characters probably shouldn't be allowed either.


  1. Jesus christ, that sounded like you had great fun. I definetly think Mechanised Guard are your faction. Hell, the abundance of squads to move and fire with must have been great fun. But I noticed one ommition. There is a distinct lack of property damage due to Autocannon fire. Did they perform well?

  2. The autocannons and grenade launchers were real work horses, shaking and damaging vehicles left and right and forcing a silly amount of armour/cover saves. Getting them to be twin linked via Orders was pure gold (although I sometimes forgot my oh so important twin linked lasguns) and people gave the Command Squad a wide berth due to the horrendous amount of firepower it could put out (which the Bloodthirster found out to it's disadvantage).

    I'm still in two minds as to whether paying out for Veterans is needed for the GL/AC Squads. Obviously BS4 is needed for the likes of Melta and Plasma but more often than not the GL/AC Squads are forcing wounds on infantry so with some Platoon Command Squads about ordering FRFSRF and the savings in points meaning I can get more Chimeras is never a bad thing. It also gives me the option to "blob" infantry squads together in killpoint missions.

  3. It's good to hear that those Autocannons were worth it. Twin Linked Autocannons are horrendous, so I hate to see the devastation you will unleash with some Hydra Flak Tanks.

    Veterans seem good for their points, especially for the Melta/Plasma dudes but I think Grenade Launcher and Autocannon is fine for Infantry Squads.

    At the end of the day, more Chimera's means more trouble for your opponent. They really are amazing, making the Rhino look very shit in comparison. It's the five fire points. :D

  4. Company Command Squad: 165
    4x Plasma gun
    Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Flamer

    Veteran Squad: 170
    3x Plasma gun
    Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Flamer

    Infantry Platoon
    Platoon Command Squad: 105
    2x Grenade Launcher, Autocannon
    Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Bolter

    Infantry Squad: 120
    Grenade Launcher, Autocannon
    Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Bolter

    Infantry Squad: 120
    Grenade Launcher, Autocannon
    Chimera - Multilaser, Heavy Bolter

    Veteran Squad: 100
    3x Melta gun

    Veteran Squad: 100
    3x Melta gun

    Valkyrie Assault Carrier: 140
    Multiple Rocket Pods, Heavy Bolter Sponsons

    Valkyrie Assault Carrier: 140
    Multiple Rocket Pods, Heavy Bolter Sponsons

    Leman Russ Battle Tank: 170
    Hull Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter Sponsons

    Leman Russ Battle Tank: 170
    Hull Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter Sponsons

    Total: 1500
