A place for Strong, Positive, Caring Wargamers.

This blog is for strong, positive, caring wargamers who like good looking models, crazy tactics and playing awesome games.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Playing against total cunts. What are your thoughts?

I just wanted take some time to put down my thoughts about playing dickheads. These aren't people that just forget rules or talk smack before a game. I talking about fucking neckbeards that have the social etiquette of fucking children, that cry when they lose and laud their victory when they win.

Firstly, it can be pretty easy to spot a fucking dickhead. They usually start off by talking about how good they are at the game and how they are going to some fucking tournament. In video game circles, these guys are known as Scrubs. They have some idea of how to play the game and they can make some pretty good lists. Their grasp of combos is usually pretty good but they usually whine about models and say "Oh, that is broken".

When you win it's usually down to the dice and not your grasp of tactics. These people make me fucking angry. If they don't have the balls to go out and say well done, you out played me then why the fuck are they playing?

So what do you do? Play them and spend the next hour and half not enjoying the game or do you just do the same back and still have a miserable time? What are your thoughts? Leave a comment below and tell me what you think.


  1. they always seem to look like train drivers, work from home on an online game or something (they just pick stuff people tend to get jealous off me thinks)

    if you mention how long you've been playing they will say they got the game pre-release or actually helped develop it.

    They all obviously have 0 social skills and when it comes down to wargaming (or anything they are actually good at) they dont really understand that how they are acting is socially unacceptable to most.

    these people usually troll forums/mirc aswel because there too cool for anywhere else.

    my suggestion is. beat them break them emasculate them (even if its a girl)
    dont be rude without cause though, and stick to your guns (im in no way cut throat)
    but if their rude be rude back, if they complain laugh in their face and go, "yeah thought you'd like that" or use their tactics and say "well there not THAT good"
    wargaming psychology is win, and imo these people are the easiest to fall under its sway.
    my temper can get the best of me, but your playing a game of war....all the anger outlet you need is expressed in your weopan masters on the charge dice roll, if your truly angry, 4 6's will show up and the table will explode!

    vindi, if you dont like what you see/hear then vendi vici!
    above all have fun and dont let them ruin your day, after all your there to ruin theirs, if you can do it in a happy amicable manner then you are truly the victor.

    Aidan, the non cutthroat cutthroat.

  2. Damn right man, they always say "I'm a executive for a lucrative company that works from home." In fact they probably sell dildos on ebay or some shit.

    They always reply I've been playing since "pre-pre-release" or some other tight anus quip.

    You are right. Fuck their mums.

  3. Well, I imagine selling dildos can get you some lucrative money, as long as they aren't pre-owned. Unless they were pre-ownned by a celebrity. Like Michael Bolton.

    As for playing the aforementioned idiots, sometimes they're the only guys who'll play. Generally they stick to 40k/WFB simply because the list system is open to abuse and it seems to be catering more and more to the 14 year old's idea of cool.

    A big tell tale of the kind of person to avoid is their general contempt towards tournament players for being too agressive and beardy. Other exaples are 'I won't use the Skarrebomb because it's broken' only to use it immediately and justifying rudeness by either: quoting 'Page 5 ' (specifically from the b&w original Warmachine: Prime) or pretending the have Asperger's Syndrome because they've watched House on Channel 5.

    Either way be careful because they tend to be the early adopters of any new system so they can stand out from the herd. Once the system has a wide playerbase they then express dissatisfaction with the current incarnation of the rules and move on to something else (most likely a French/Spanish wargame of the Anime style) or back to GW with tales of how all the players of system X are dicks.

    All in all they are impossible to avoid and a part of the hobby for good or ill. Just grin and bear it. Unfortunately.

  4. Shit, I was gonna ask what Michael Bolton was doing with a dildo in his possession but the I remembered his curly locks and knew where that piece of plastic has been. In his ass.

    Bolton's anal adventures aside, I think you are onto something with them jumping systems. I played a guy that pretty much fits the bill for that a couple years back. After ruining his shit, he kept complaining about how broken the list I was using was and that Asphixious is broken. I told him to fuck off, quite forthrightly and promised not to play such a fucking knob again.

    But again he jumped to Warmachine after going system to system. I guess, he wanted to be king of the hill before anyone else.

    I think cunts sometimes need a good seeing to, but in the end is it really worth it?

  5. It's a personal judgment call on your part as to whether they are worth it. Quite often it can just be the system/environment in which a person is cultivated that dictates their behaviour. Getting people to see things from a different perspective can often be not only an eye opening experience for the person at hand but also broaden your own mindset. I found that the differences between how a WH40K turn and a WM/H turn unfolds really get the creative juices flowing and can quite often bring out the best in people with devastating combos and desperate last chances.

    But all in all a cunt is a cunt, quite often you'll find that one of the main reasons why utter asshats frequent GW stores/LGS etc is because as a whole the wargaming community is much more forgiving of crippling social flaws than other communities.

  6. I think you're onto something about the wargaming community being open and more forgiving of crippling social flaws. I've seen many a social mess taken to the cleaners in the school environment, and I have to say it wasn't fun to watch. :|

  7. Me, I like to play quietly away, and when all their models are dead and I have won then I just say "thanks". You just see them getting more and more pissed off, and hopefully they have a hissy fit, throw their models away and wont play anymore

  8. I'd like to think of The Gamer Cunt as a transitionary phase. Not all of us go through it, sure, we may have left it in the playground. Others...struggle.
    I like to think of it as something we can overcome.
    Else I'm fucked.

  9. Cheers Vish for putting up a site for rude rants and cool stuff! :-)

    Oh well I must be one of the dickheads :-)

    I regularly talk to my mates and others about how well they did in tournies (and usually how badly I did). I also moan about things being broken like feel no pain thunderterms AAARRRGGGHHHH

    I do however shake hands with the opponent - thats just polite.

    Personally - the people who really Fuck me off are the:
    a) "your 0.1mm out of range" arse holes (if someones within a couple of mm you should give it)
    b) blantent cheaters - not the ones who forget a rule but the ones who move 14" for a 12" move
    c) the "its too late you 'said' you're in the shooting phase now" arse riding fuck bandits who won't even allow you to move shit even through you haven't actually done anything in the next phase - Yes - played against one once - never seen him again........thank god
    d) Germanic rule lawyers who constantly and repeatedly remind you at every thing you do what the fuckin rule is - even a standard 6" move. Thankfully again I've only played a couple of these nob ends.

    oooohhhh - I feel much beeter for getting that off my chest :-)

  10. Sorry Steve, you're not a gamer cunt, you're just a cunt. And that's why I love you with all my heart.

  11. Just something to make your blood boil:


