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This blog is for strong, positive, caring wargamers who like good looking models, crazy tactics and playing awesome games.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Kommander Strakhov - Spell Analysis

Kommander Strakov seems like a pretty cool dude. So it's time we looked at his spell list.

Battering Ram: A low cost spell that has the added bonus of pushing models 3" if they aren't killed by it. Low range leaves it in the bargain bin though. Useful for killing Vilmon. The main thing is that you can choose to push them or not. If pushed they must travel the full 3", there isn't any up to shenanigans unfortunately.

Occultation: Yes, Khador gets a spell that can give models/units Stealth. This is a thing of beauty when put on something tough and hard to kill. Great Bears love this shit as their good Arm and high threat means people will be pulling out their hair to get rid of them. Unless they are Brisbane. :D

Overrun: Now this is the danger spell. You put it on Strakov and shot some poor sod and get the Spriggan to advance. This spell will increase your threat ranges and make you get that game winning charge under the feat. As Bulldoze triggers every advance, you could literally bowling ball enemy models out of the way. Good stuff. :D

Rift: For three focus points, this pseudo-control spell is a piece of shit. Very rarely use it as it's POW is only one point more than Battering Ram and far less useful. The Rough Terrain part of the spell is weird as whatever basic infantry model hit by it is usually killed anyway.

Sentry: A bit of a useful spell as it doesn't have the restriction of Battlegroup so you can put it on a friendly Khadoran model and have them shoot. Not many models will take full advantage of this as the shot cannot be boosted. The Widowmaker Marksman can be used to help pin down pesky solos that are interspersed in peoples lines by choosing to fire as they enter line of sight. Strakhov himself can use it to fire Cinder Bombs at the enemy if they get too close and create a cloud effect within their lines. Odd but fun spell.

Superiority: One of the best Jack boosting spells in the game. The increase in SPD and MAT alone makes this spell amazing as it will stack with Overrun movement. You will be able to get to horrendous MAT values from Beast-09 under this spell. Irusk shares the love.

And there you have it. Six focus, and three upkeep spells. Next time we tackle his Feat, Iron Fist.

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