A place for Strong, Positive, Caring Wargamers.

This blog is for strong, positive, caring wargamers who like good looking models, crazy tactics and playing awesome games.

Monday, 17 May 2010

500 point MKI Warmachine "Old Skool Throwdown"

Tomorrow sees me play the first "competitive" game of Warmachine I have for quite a while. I've been slacking a lot recently in relation to Warmachine and so the only games I've had in the past few months have been a couple of demo games.

All that changes tomorrow with a game against Ben, a pretty cool cat that I managed to get into Warmachine. The only advance information I have before the battle is that he'll be using his Khador and that he used to like using pIrusk. None of this really matters to me as I'll be using the ever evolving "All Comers" list.

Warwitch Deneghra - 76
Cankerworm - 75
Nightwretch - 44
Deathripper - 38
Bane Lord Tartarus - 40
Pistol Wraith - 33
Pistol Wraith - 33
Skarlock Thrall - 16
6 Bile Thralls - 41
8 Bane Knights -99
Total: 495

A nicely balanced list of heavy hitters and infantry clearers. It should be able to hold up to any shenanigans that Ben will throw at me.


  1. Surprisingly Ben turned up with Circle for our game. I decided to be "nice" and use my all comers Skarre list as playing against Deneghra can be a real cuntbuster. Unfortunately the game can be summed up in four words despite my detailed explanations of Skarre's abilities.

    Second Turn Skarre Bomb

    To be fair it was only just 1/2 an inch in range and I would have been up shit creek if I had fallen short. But to be fair I'm a veteran Skarre player and so I can judge that 19" threat range really well. At least it highlights the sillyness that was MKI.

  2. Was he not camping any Fury at the end of the turn or were his Beast furied up? By the way, was it just a normal Skarre Bomb at 21? Or Super Skarre Bomb at 24 with Rerolls? :D

  3. He didn't have any fury camped as he'd done the standard first turn Krueger combo of Lightning Tendrils on Gatormen, Windstorm and Skybourne.

    It was a "normal" Skarre bomb which I did roll below average on and so only killed Krueger by two.

    These were the lists:

    2x Deathripper
    Bane Lord Tartarus
    8x Mechanithralls
    8x Bile Thralls
    10x Bane Knights

    2x Woldwyrd
    Sentry Stone
    Shifting Stones
    6 Bloodtrackers
    Lord of the Feast
    3x Gatormen

    Not the best list although the Bloodtrackers and LotF did a number on my McThralls.
