A place for Strong, Positive, Caring Wargamers.

This blog is for strong, positive, caring wargamers who like good looking models, crazy tactics and playing awesome games.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Upcoming Game - A_Bomb!: The Brooklyn Bomber

On Tuesday I'll be playing against an awesome guy called A_Bomb!. He's a really nice guy with a love for Cryx and Legion. We're gonna be playing the scenario Convergence at 50 points. The game will use 10 minute turns and the ability to stop the clock for abilities triggering in opponents turns. It should be a total shitfest with some serious shit going down on both sides.

A_Bomb!: The Brooklyn Bomber
Has been playing Cryx and Legion for about two years. A_Bomb! has travelled the world ruining peoples shit. During his short stay in England to "study" he's had 4123 wins against "Dumb cunts" at Scrabble and has even written a small book about it. His favorite caster's are Skarre, Deneghra and Lich Lord Asphixious. He's gone on record as saying "Deneghra is a crazy hooker." and has even won two games using her while blindfolded. Also he's one of the few players I fought against who hasn't attacked me with racial slurs and impressions of Apu from the Simpsons. His play style is highly aggressive with board control and target saturation. He'll be using Lich Lord Asphixious, so my shit will be effectively ruined after deployment.

The game will be played on Tuesday, 1st of June at 8:30pm GMT. As this is my first game in a long while that will be using a scenario, I don't expect to do well. I think this may require some alcohol to take the edge off.

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