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Friday, 7 May 2010

Wargamer Interview: Aries37 - On Aries37 and Conquest.

About Aries37:Aries is an excellent Warmachine player with a great handle on combos and using some great armies. He's been playing since MK2 was released but despite the small amount of time the game has been out his standard of play is tournament worthy. Without further applause, here's the interview:

Gringo: What made you choose Warmachine? What other games have you played?
Aries37:I've played Warhammer 40'000 before and I currently have a force of Ultramarines. I've recently got a force for Malifaux but I haven't played a game yet. The gaming reasons why I play Warmachine are that the rules are well written, which means there is very little confusion during a game. Also the game balance is a lot tighter so you can play someone of equal ability with very different forces and still have a very good game and players usually tend to be older and more accommodating during a game. The other reason that I play Warmachine is Warjacks. So in short, the rules, the players and Warjacks.

Gringo: Why Khador? Which other faction/s have you thought about collecting?
Aries37:I like the beefy look of the Warjacks, and as a faction they are in your face. I don't like messing around so I thought I'd take the faction that smashes people in the face. I'm a big fan of melee heavy armies and so I chose them. Khador's Warjacks are exactly that, they get forward and then they kill models in melee. I've thought about doing Trolls as their models are big and hench, and they also have strong melee play style.

Gringo: Which faction do you hate fighting against? What style of play is the most annoying?
Aries37:Hmm... It's gotta be Cryx, they have so many sneaky tricks and abilities that you've got to know what they are planning and what their models do. The just have so much shit that is dangerous that you can't give them any mistakes otherwise they will capitalize on them. Play style it's gotta be fighting against a gun line. I know that when I'm using Karchev, it can be especially annoying for my opponent when I move in, fire and then fall back out of their threat range.

Gringo: What's your favourite warcaster and why?
Aries37:It's gotta be Nemo, he's just an old man but he's amazing! But he throws around lightning and makes his warjacks get up to ridiculous speeds. Hell, even his hair is cool.

Gringo: What's your favourite combo, and why?
Aries37:It's gotta be Winterguard with the Unit Attachment, Kovnik Joe and eSorscha. They become a deadly unit with a whole mess of abilities that stack to make them even worse. Iron Flesh and Bob and Weave give them Defence 17, Desperate Pace gives them extra threat on their advance, Kovnik Joe gives them boosted attack rolls, Combined Ranged Attack with POW 12 guns and the Unit Attachment gives them the ability to Combined Melee Attack and access to range 8" sprays! They are like a toolbox, devastating on the offensive and defensively amazing. Loads of bullshit there to use.

Gringo: What's your favourite Warjack and why?
Aries37:Beast-09, it's gotta be. It's real dangerous without any help from your warcaster and it's got amazing synergy built into it. Thresher, Reach and it's Imprint all allow it to attack loads of targets and guarantee they hit. It's a self-contained powerhouse.

Gringo: Which type of army would you like to use if you had infinite time and money?
Aries37:It's gotta be epic Thagrosh and as many Shredders as I can fit in. It would be so obnoxious! They are only two points each!

Gringo: Do you play on Vassal and why?
Aries37:Yes, I play on Vassal. There was a time when a lot of my friends stopped playing and I couldn't find anyone to play so I'd just hop on Vassal and play people. The players on there are really damn good and the Vassal meta is really strong and ahead of the curve. I've watched a couple games with Pyg Burrowers messing things up and the Epic Makeda Slingshot with Molik Karn and Paingivers. One of the best players on there is Jamie, who I've never met in real life but he's very good and every time I play it gets really close. I've been demolished by him a good few times so far. So if you are looking for a game versus a really good player, hop on Vassal and give it a go.

Gringo: Thanks for your time and I'll see you at the club.
Aries37: Cheers.

And there you have it, an amazing player who loves playing a really good game of Warmachine. I still wouldn't like to face Epic Thagrosh with that many Shredders though, I think twenty six with Swamp Gobbers is my limit. :D

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